This is the Jibber Jabber News Wire. It is our online connection with the families that allow us the privilege of spending our days with their children. This newsletter is where we share funny stories and exciting events that take place while your children are in our very unique childcare. We will allow them opportunities that not every child would be allowed to have to explore new things in their world at a young age. We love to watch them investigate and see what happens as they try new experiences and gain so much knowledge. Please take a look and see all of the fun we have been having while we learn and get ready for school.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Wiggle Like a Wormy!

We love worm week at Jibber Jabber! We have such a fun time learning about these wiggly creatures! We like to start off with a worm dig and find some good candidates for our research!

Then we have ourselves a little meet and greet! 
The kids get to know the worms, how long they are, which ones weigh more, and we decided on some names!

This year we ended up with 6 worms named Tiny, Elephant, Baby, L, Sally and Glasses!
They were quite the interesting characters ranging from 2cm to 3 inches!
We found out 3 worms weigh more than 2 worms and they look like dirt!

Next we took worms to a yummy level! We made dirt out of oreos and pudding and threw in some gummy worms for a funny treat!

A favorite every year is working on worm puzzles!
The kids absolutely love trading worms and figuring out how all of the pieces go together!

Last but never least, we took some time to get messy and gross!
We made worms out of a jello mixture and threw them in the sensory table for squishy mushy fun!

Hope you enjoyed our worms as much as we did!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Winter Fun!

Jibber Jabber is in Winter Wonderland! We've had so much fun these last few weeks of Winter preparing for Christmas and having an awesome time doing crazy, messy outdoor activities!

We made beautiful stockings and hung them on our playroom chimney with care!

We tried out the elf life and made some funny hats with cute little elf ears! 

Winter means plenty of leaf piles to jump in all day long!!! 

After singing Jingle Bells every day at circle time, we decided to make some of our own!

We had an absolute blast with our first snowball fight! 
The kids were so excited to find out that they crumpled up paper to make snowballs!
It was an awesome morning full of giggles!

We made some gorgeous sparkling snowflakes!

On a rainy day we built our very own snowman bowling game!
It was such a hit and kept us up and moving!

Our last, biggest, messiest, and by far coolest project this Winter has been our second snowball fight!
We mixed cornstarch and shaving cream to make snow and had a crazy morning of snowball fights!
Everyone was covered head to toe and absolutely ecstatic!

Happy Winter days!