This is the Jibber Jabber News Wire. It is our online connection with the families that allow us the privilege of spending our days with their children. This newsletter is where we share funny stories and exciting events that take place while your children are in our very unique childcare. We will allow them opportunities that not every child would be allowed to have to explore new things in their world at a young age. We love to watch them investigate and see what happens as they try new experiences and gain so much knowledge. Please take a look and see all of the fun we have been having while we learn and get ready for school.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas from Jibber Jabber! We've had an awesome holiday season and want to share some of our fun with you! We started out by making a fun yummy snack! We strung cereal onto pipe cleaners to make candy canes! It was a great counting activity and some of the kids even made patterns with their cereal!

Our next activity was decorating felt Christmas trees! This was such a fun activity because everyone really got to put their own touch on it! Everyone worked so hard to decorate their trees! 

Next we made stockings to hang with care! Everyone practiced their sewing! 

Then we all spelled our names out on our stockings so Santa would know which was ours!

We made snowmen out of water bottles! 
We stuffed them full of cotton balls and added funny faces!

We loved painting reindeer masks! It was fun to pick which color nose to use! Some of the kids picked red like Rudolph and others went with purple and blue!

We played a fun game of pin the nose on Rudolph!
Everyone thought it was so funny to be blindfolded and spun around!
Nobody got it quite on the nose but it was a super fun game!

We made some very special painted ornaments! We chose our three favorite shimmery paints and put them together and shook them up! It made a beautiful swirly effect!

What's Christmas without a little cooking? 
This dough wasn't made to eat though! We mixed together a clay like dough to make handprint Santa ornaments!

After we mixed, we had to knead the dough!
Then we cut them out, baked them, and painted!

Painting polka dots!

Julia got into the painting spirit!

Our next craft was handprint Christmas trees! It's a fun reminder of how big the kids' hands get each year! They love to decorate the trees and some of them even put a big star on top! 

Finger painting time! We needed to make chimneys for our, "What would you do if Santa came down your chimney?" activity. We decided a good way to make chimneys would be to paint designs to print onto paper! They turned out so cute! 

Everyone had an awesome time! Smiles all around!

Last but not least on our Christmas to-do list was baking our Christmas cookies! 
This is always a favorite activity for everyone. They love to measure, mix, and roll out the dough!


We hope you've enjoyed our Christmas crafts!
Here are some fun photos of everyone getting into the Christmas spirit!

Lilly helping her friends put on their Santa hats!

Lilly loving her reindeer antlers!

Bryce and Preston loving their Santa hats!

Time to sing Rudolph!

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Turkey time! Gobble Gobble!

It's Thanksgiving time at that means turkeys galore! We had a great Thanksgiving this year and some fun art projects to go with it!

We started off by making leaf bowls!
 We rolled out clay, traced leaves, cut them out and painted them!

Our next activity was making turkey leg hats and turkey feathers!

We started with crumpling newspaper! This is a favorite activity for everyone!

Then we glued turkey feathers onto coveralls!


Showing off our turkey outfits!

Our next activity was the Mayflower hats! 

Elijah fancied his up with a flag on the sails!

We also made pilgrim hats! 
We loved them so much, we wore them all day!

Native American handprints were fun to make, especially when Zariah decided to dress hers up in a full outfit!

After we made our Native Americans we decided to make a head dress!

We strung our beads together in different patterns!
Then, we attached them to our hats!

Thanksgiving feast time!
Every year the kids get to prepare their own Thanksgiving feast!
It's a fun time for everyone!
They mashed their own potatoes and wore their fancy turkey hats for the meal!

It was a fun Thanksgiving for all!
Gobble gobble!