This is the Jibber Jabber News Wire. It is our online connection with the families that allow us the privilege of spending our days with their children. This newsletter is where we share funny stories and exciting events that take place while your children are in our very unique childcare. We will allow them opportunities that not every child would be allowed to have to explore new things in their world at a young age. We love to watch them investigate and see what happens as they try new experiences and gain so much knowledge. Please take a look and see all of the fun we have been having while we learn and get ready for school.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

In the Jungle, the Mighty Jungle!

In the Jibber Jabber jungle we are monkeying around with some awesome arts and crafts!

We started our week by making monkeys!!! They were a blast and the kids had so much fun making monkey sounds all day long! 

Our next project started by painting elephants, naming them fun names like, "Rock and Roll, "Merlin," and "Bob!"

Oops looks like Nick missed the elephant and got his nose!

Then we attached party blowers and spent an afternoon walking around blowing out our elephant trunks!!! It was so great!

After mastering some of the jungle animal sounds, we got busy making jungle animal noses! The kids made tigers, giraffes and cheetahs!

We learned how to sing, "Never Smile at a Crocodile," while we painted these big guys!

We practiced beading and making patterns when we made our hissing snakes!

Our last animal to make was the lion, the king of the jungle!

Our last project was to make binoculars and go on a jungle adventure!!!

We hunted down crocodiles, snakes and had an absolutely awesome time!

We hope you've enjoyed our crafts from the Jibber Jabber jungle!

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