This is the Jibber Jabber News Wire. It is our online connection with the families that allow us the privilege of spending our days with their children. This newsletter is where we share funny stories and exciting events that take place while your children are in our very unique childcare. We will allow them opportunities that not every child would be allowed to have to explore new things in their world at a young age. We love to watch them investigate and see what happens as they try new experiences and gain so much knowledge. Please take a look and see all of the fun we have been having while we learn and get ready for school.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Happy 4th of July!

July is a fun time of year! With 4th of July approaching we spent a few days working on some awesome patriotic crafts!

We made red, white and blue pudding pops! Bryce and Elijah worked hard to mix the pudding together!

We also made some awesome patriotic crowns!
Using pipe cleaners, we made "fireworks" and attached them to the top of a crown! It was awesome!

Our last and coolest project was red, white, and blue rubber band splatter painting! Everyone was covered in paint by the time we were done and we made some awesome designs with our rubber bands!

We hope you had a happy 4th of July!!! 

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