The rain is coming down and that means it's time for worms! A favorite theme every year for the adults and the kids! We always start off with a worm hunt to dig up a few of them and use them for observation! Everyone loves the opportunity to spend some time in the mud and we love to see them squeal with delight when they find a new wormy firiend!
Here's Lilly digging up a storm!
Sammy is putting some dirt in a cup for the worms to live in!
Looks like ZZ has captured the first worm!
Sammy and Joseph sifting through the mud to find worms!
After our worm hunt, we like to spend some time investigating the creatures we have found!
The kids enjoy looking at them through the magnifying glass and measuring them!
Then, we pick out names for them and talk about our thoughts on how they feel, smell and look!
Preston is really concentrating on his investigation!
ZZ is picking her worm out of the pile!
A zoomed in look on our wiggly friends!
Worms are fun!
Bringing our activities indoor, we decide to make a worm necklace! We start by painting some noodles in different colors and patterns and alternating them with beads on string to make a fancy worm necklace!
Using watercolor paints to make our worms was a lot of fun!
Bryce is concentrating hard on his pattern!
Preston liked his worm without the beads!
ZZ worked hard to match her beads to the color of her shells!
Showing off their finished products! They were so proud!
Our final project for worm week was making worm puzzles!
We cut out worms and made them into puzzle pieces, then assigned each child a section of the worm.
When they all came together they were absolutely beautiful worms!
It was another fun week at Jibber Jabber and we all enjoyed learning about our slimy friends!
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