This is the Jibber Jabber News Wire. It is our online connection with the families that allow us the privilege of spending our days with their children. This newsletter is where we share funny stories and exciting events that take place while your children are in our very unique childcare. We will allow them opportunities that not every child would be allowed to have to explore new things in their world at a young age. We love to watch them investigate and see what happens as they try new experiences and gain so much knowledge. Please take a look and see all of the fun we have been having while we learn and get ready for school.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life for Us!

Argh, Matey! The Jibber Jabber pirates have landed on shore and brought with them some buried treasures!

 We started by fashioning ourselves some pirate hats!
Of course, we had to decorate them with real pirate feathers!
Then we had to make some fancy pirate hooks!
Everyone loved singing "A Pirate's Life for Me" while they worked!
We heard there was going to be a treasure hunt, so we had to make maps to find our way to it!
Away we go! On the hunt for the buried treasure!
Oh no! Shark attack! Run for your lives!
Moustache Nick will save you!
Here comes pirate puppy to the rescue!
Oh my! I think I see the treasure!

There it is! The pirates have found their treasures! Looks like gold to me!
We hope you've enjoyed our visit to shore!

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