This is the Jibber Jabber News Wire. It is our online connection with the families that allow us the privilege of spending our days with their children. This newsletter is where we share funny stories and exciting events that take place while your children are in our very unique childcare. We will allow them opportunities that not every child would be allowed to have to explore new things in their world at a young age. We love to watch them investigate and see what happens as they try new experiences and gain so much knowledge. Please take a look and see all of the fun we have been having while we learn and get ready for school.

Monday, July 25, 2011

A Day at the Park...

We took a field trip to the park. We had been talking all week about birds and we thought the park would be a good place to see some up close. First, we had to walk all 11 kids to the park. That sounds worse than it really is. We are fortunate enough that we live about 2 blocks from Ridgepoint Elementary and they are nice enough to open their play ground/park area for public use during non school hours.

So off we went with our wagon, our wagon driving volunteers (Sammy and Elijah), the double stroller and the animal chain for the rest to hold onto. Before we got into the bird watching we just wanted to play and have fun with the kids for a while. We went down the slides, even the little babies :) We played hop scotch. We were all over the place. It is not often we all get to go to the park as a group so we were making the best of it!
Then we surprised the kids by handing out the binoculars that they decorated earlier in the week. They were so excited to see them! We showed them that we were taking them over to the field area and the trees to find some birds. They looked all over but were most excited about watching the airplane they saw. I love those kids...

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