We have a lot of exciting crafts to share this week from Jibber Jabber! We started with a nature walk to collect acorn tops! The kids had an awesome time looking at the different colored leaves and observing the sights of Fall! Then we brought all the acorns and leaves back and made our own picture frames!
Our next activity was a big hit! We took paper plate halves and used q-tips dipped in paint to paint them! Some very colorful designs came out!
And joining us at this activity was our newest painter!
She definitely had a lot of fun!!!
We had a really fun project using paper cups to make crows! It was a really cute to watch them talk about their birdys and fly them around!
Lastly, we made spooky bats using egg cartons! Everyone thought they were "ooky spooky!" Look for them hanging in the playroom!
That's all for this week! See you at the Pumpkin Patch :)