This is the Jibber Jabber News Wire. It is our online connection with the families that allow us the privilege of spending our days with their children. This newsletter is where we share funny stories and exciting events that take place while your children are in our very unique childcare. We will allow them opportunities that not every child would be allowed to have to explore new things in their world at a young age. We love to watch them investigate and see what happens as they try new experiences and gain so much knowledge. Please take a look and see all of the fun we have been having while we learn and get ready for school.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fun in the Fall!

We have a lot of exciting crafts to share this week from Jibber Jabber! We started with a nature walk to collect acorn tops! The kids had an awesome time looking at the different colored leaves and observing the sights of Fall! Then we brought all the acorns and leaves back and made our own picture frames!
Our next activity was a big hit! We took paper plate halves and used q-tips dipped in paint to paint them! Some very colorful designs came out!
And joining us at this activity was our newest painter!
She definitely had a lot of fun!!!
We had a really fun project using paper cups to make crows! It was a really cute to watch them talk about their birdys and fly them around!
Lastly, we made spooky bats using egg cartons! Everyone thought they were "ooky spooky!" Look for them hanging in the playroom!
That's all for this week! See you at the Pumpkin Patch :)


Monday, October 8, 2012

Let The Leaves Fall!

This week at Jibber Jabber we have been doing a lot of fun activities about leaves! We've looked at the veins in them and talked about the colors they change to during the fall season! We have done a lot of cool leaf activities! We started out with rubbing leaves! We placed our leaves under paper and rubbed crayons across the paper to make the print of the leaf!
Everyone had a lot of fun observing the different patterns of different leaves! Then we moved on to a more messy activity! We mixed shaving cream and paint to make pretty leaf prints!
After we made our awesome prints, everyone had a great time mixing up all the colors and shaving cream! We decided it looked like an avocado explosion! This was a really cool activity to talk about the color changes! Last but not least, we painted with leaves! Taking different leaves from all around the backyard we dipped them in paint and made leaf prints! We had a great time experimenting with the amount of paint we used! The kids found out that a thin layer of paint made a better impression then a thick layer of paint!
That's all we have to share this week from Jibber Jabber! It's been an exciting transition into Fall and we are looking forward to the rest of it!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fall Is All Around Us!

Fall is here! We are all very excited for the changing of seasons! A lot of fun crafts are getting ready to take place and we have decided to start the week with a touch of royalty! All of the kids made leaf crowns! They wore them proudly all day long and played kings and queens!

Don't they look adorable? It was a fun time for everyone! We also made scarecrow paper bag puppets! These cute little guys were so fun to make! Everyone especially loved gluing his hair on sticking straight out!
We danced with our scarecrows in the playroom singing our favorite scarecrow song, "If I Only Had A Brain," from The Wizard of Oz! It was really funny to see all of the kids checking to see if their scarecrow had a brain!

It's been a fun Fall week at Jibber Jabber! :)